Adult Hearing Services

Start your
hearing journey

Good hearing is so important in our everyday lives, yet most people with normal hearing don’t even think twice about what it means to be able to hear well. Chatting with friends, listening to the sounds of nature, enjoying music or hearing warning signals – they take it all for granted.

As we grow older, ageing can affect our hearing ability and many of us start to notice slight changes in our hearing. These changes are often so subtle it can take a significant amount of time for you to become aware of the impact on your life and the lives of those around you. However, ageing is not the only cause of hearing loss; many people unexpectedly begin to lose their hearing at a much younger age than expected. In addition to this, hearing loss can be caused by repeated exposure to loud noises, or as a side effect of other health issues.

  • Lifetime Aftercare
  • Personalised Service
  • Latest Hearing Technology
  • Best Hearing Advice & Solutions
  • No Obligation Free Trial

As a practice we pride ourselves on customer care. Our extensive range of clinical experience means we provide personalised hearing assessments taking into account your individual needs.

We will undertake a thorough medical hearing history and lifestyle needs assessment in addition to audiological testing in order to create an individual management plan for you going forward.

This may include the provision of hearing aids, use of hearing tactics, hearing counselling and rehabilitation, the use of assistive listening devices and onward referrals to other professions when needed.


We live in a demanding and fast paced world and hearing is an incredibly important part of that. This means we require more features and flexibility than ever before. Luckily hearing aids are now much smarter and automatically adjust to your personalised environments.

There are many different hearing aids available in terms of style, features and price and we realise this can be daunting to those new to hearing aid technology. We will ensure we explain all options available so you fully understand the options available and are able to make an informed decision. Technology has made huge advances in recent years and as such hearing aids now have many specialised features to cater for even the most challenging listening environments.

As we are an independent practice we have full access to all the latest technology to ensure we have a complete range of products to suit all your needs. During your hearing assessment we ensure we have a detailed understanding of your hearing and lifestyle needs to ensure we recommend the most appropriate product to fulfil those needs.


We offer a full range of the most up-to-date assistive listening devices to support hearing aid and non-hearing aid users in different listening situations.

For example devices which can be used with the telephone, TV, in groups and meetings as well as devices which can be linked up to mobile devices.

Are you experiencing
changes in your hearing?

If you are concerned about your own hearing or that of a loved one, it’s a challenge we can help you overcome through our expert advice and treatment.

Phone us or fill in our contact form and we will contact you, our only focus is on you and your ears

Call us today on 0800 612 9727

Independent Hearing Service Provider