Tinnitus Management
What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is extremely common so it is important to remember that you are not alone and there are many techniques available to help with the management of tinnitus, here at Active Hearing we are here to advise on the most appropriate strategies based on your needs.
Tinnitus is the name used to describe any noises heard in the ear(s) or in the head that are not heard by others.
Hyperacusis is oversensitivity to certain sounds in the environment.
Tinnitus can take the form of many noises including ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing or even musical sounds and tunes. It can vary in loudness and be either intermittent or constant.
Tinnitus is not an illness or disease, it is a symptom generated somewhere in the person’s hearing (auditory) pathway.
Typical causes of tinnitus include: noise exposure, ear diseases (i.e. Meniere’s disease), certain medications, hearing loss, unknown causes.
Don't live with tinnitus you don't have to live with it
Who does it affect?
Most people experience some occasional tinnitus. About 10% of people experience frequent tinnitus and up to 5% of adults in the UK experience constant or bothersome tinnitus.
Chronic tinnitus can impact on all areas of life including:
Tinnitus management at Active Hearing Services
The impact of tinnitus is very individual and that is why our tinnitus assessment is tailored exactly around your needs.
Tinnitus management will often combine counselling (for information and/or to help the individual accept and handle their tinnitus) with some sound stimulation (to provide times when the tinnitus is less obvious or bothersome).
Relaxation is also recommended as tinnitus is often more noticeable when an individual is tired or stressed. Promoting good sleep also forms part of tinnitus management.
For individuals with a hearing loss, a hearing aid may be beneficial as being able to hear more everyday sounds gives the brain more to focus on than just the tinnitus.
At your initial assessment we will review your relevant medical history and discuss in detail your tinnitus and impact it is having on your life. As part of this assessment we will conduct a number of diagnostic tests tailored to your needs to allow us to collate all the information and create an individualised management plan.
During this appointment we will discuss this plan with you and go through any questions that you may have as well as discussing a range of self help techniques for you to utilise straightway.
Tinnitus can be successfully managed with hearing aids
Phone us or fill in our contact form and we will contact you, our only focus is on you and your ears
Call us today on 0800 612 9727
Independent Hearing Service Provider